Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Walt Disney World Marathon Race Retweet

36 Characters and 26.2 Miles in 4:34:01
Overall Female
Fighting childhood cancer, one mile at a time!


  1. Wow Malinda, that is amazing! I know you always refer to yourself as "the slower half", but you have to be pretty fast to stop for all those pictures and still finish in the time you did!

    Congratulations, I love looking at all your race pictures!

  2. Love the Pictures !!! Looks like a GREAT time!

  3. Fun to see pics of all the characters we didn't stop for--like Buzz, Jiminey, Jesse, etc. Jealous you got a pic with the Fairy Godmother! That's the one pic I really wanted and she wasn't out there wen we can by.

  4. Love your pic with Cinderella's Fairy Godmother! Wish I' gotten that one.
