Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Coping with Marathon Disappointment

I hadn't heard this song for years and then I heard it on Monday. I laughed and then I cried (sort of). I dreamed of and trained for a BQ. But, I didn't reach my goal in Chicago. Leah and I ran together for 12 miles. But, then I hit the "Great Wall" in Chinatown... she ran on and I walked alone. It was a definitely a "Boulevard of Broken Dreams." Yes, I am disappointed and I will wallow for a bit. But, then I will try again. I have not given up on my goal to BQ.

Last year, I was caught in a tweet and run. Sunday, I was caught in a walk and marathon. ;-)

I may not have reached my goals, but I finished with my 2nd fastest time. 

BTW...Nike Plus was way off again. Although, it felt like 27.7 miles!

Massage me!

Did you run the Chicago Marathon?

Did you meet your race goals?

How do you cope with race disappointment?

1 comment:

  1. Hey you got our there and tried! That's more than most people can say!

    -Elise @
