So I've been reviewing my races so far this year and trying not have a panic attack about how I might perform at the Boston Marathon.
I've been much slower and that's concerning.
Here's a breakdown (2013 vs 2012):
New Year's Day 5K
23:10 vs 23:09
(OK, this one was close.)
Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge (1/2 Marathon on Saturday & Marathon on Sunday)
(5:50:05) 1:48:17 & 4:01:49 vs (5:46:29) 1:50:22 & 3:56:07
(It was HOT this year so that probably didn't help. And, I probably ran the half too fast. Oh well!)

Princess Half Marathon
1:44:09 vs 1:40:05
(Once again, it was MUCH hotter this year than last year, so that could be part of it. The good news, Malinda and I finished 1st in sister / sister team category!)

Martha Jefferson 8K
37:58 vs 37:08
(Can't really explain this away with weather because it was nice and cool. At least I came in 2nd in AG, was 4th last year. And there was no one near me at the end. Last year I was passed by two women within feet of the finish line, ouch!)
Ten Miler (2013 Charlottesville / 2012 Cherry Blossom)
1:18:14 vs 1:12:26
(The Cville course is notoriously hilly instead of flat like Cherry Blossom so I can't really compare those two races, can I? I just wanted to run my 3rd fastest 10-mile race and I did that by nearly a minute. And, at least I came in 3rd in my AG!)

So what's my problem?!?
Last year was AMAZING and I can't really hope to have success like that consistently.
I just wonder if I should continue to panic or CHILL OUT... if there's a reason for this that I can fix or if it's just a phase?
Is it because I weigh a little more than I did last year at this time (could 5-7 lbs, could that make that a huge difference?!?) or have I been holding myself back in these races because I know the big prize - BOSTON - is just mere months or weeks away?
I definitely knew that I wasn't trying for a PR in any of these races, because it was a race for "fun" and training or because of the forecast or because within the first mile when I just wasn't feeling it. So instead, when appropriate, I did my best to run as close to my ideal marathon pace (7:55 - 8:00) and run comfortably hard rather than push it and constantly check my watch.
Some people might say I race too much, but I've actually raced LESS so far this year.
In the 5 weeks between my Princess Half Marathon PR and Cherry Blossom 10 Miler PR last year, I also ran a 4 miler, 8K, 1 mile, and 5K in between. And I PRd in those distances, too!
This year, I had 3 weeks between the Princess Half Marathon and the Charlottesville10 Miler and I only raced the Martha Jefferson 8K in between.
Oh well, at least I'm having fun while I'm running.
All the anxiety doesn't set in until I'm resting. :)
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